fight club

RE-RUN of the 1st

Friday FIGHT Club!

Fri 14th August 6pm

with Mr Dewey

RE-RUN Session Watch here:

GTUK Tutorial Video

GTUK student Password Protected!

or see recorded video on Facebook here:

See also previous Sparring Tutorial video below:

If you’re lucky enough to have a pad-holder willing to help on this one that’s great, otherwise you can use a bag or even go through the exercises in a bit of space.

Take care when doing these exercises and watch your surroundings.

Pause and practice as you go and feel free to ask questions – I know the speech isn’t very clear at parts in this one.

**A couple notes on using a bag**

– The bag represents the opponent at a point in time – the point at which you’re hitting them! It is NOT necessarily where your opponent is standing when you start to hit them.

– Also, try to avoid putting too much power in with these sparring drills as you’re working through, I know the bag can egg you on but don’t compromise on the form at the start.

GTUK Tutorial Video

GTUK student Password Protected!

or see Sparring Tutorial video on Facebook here:

GTUK Distance Training

Join the group to watch live or later.

*Note: some pdfs are secured by GTUK student password,
email [email protected] if you haven’t got it!

GTUK Syllabus PDF files are linked below: